PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20. Its proven. We were all new once: don't be shy! Astrology Weekly - astrology articles and information updated weekly Right now: Moon at 10°54' Virgo, Sun at 28°38' Cancer Introducing myself Hi! My Community name is David Starling. hi astrology weekly forum. Hence I request you all to give your valuable inputs on the same. Welcome to our community! Feel free to introduce yourself. . Ron DeSantis (R) will win the GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential election. Sag is notorious for being a know-it-all, making decisions for others, as well as making assumptions in general. Noel Tyl Essays. Members. -Sun (if a day birth) or Moon (if a night birth) = 30 points. Family members with actual violent temper have Mars in Cancer square Aries Moon, and the other one has Mars in Cancer square Libra Pluto and another fiery Leo Moon. Gossip, show off, hot topic, spiritual thoughts, Sun sign astrological discussions, chit chat: come in and share! The political views of members do not represent or reflect upon the Astrological purpose of this Community. #11. Well-known member. By: Search. The sun rules the father in a day birth; and the 4th house-- not the 12th (or the 10th) -- is the traditional house of the father. Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) Libra (Sep 23. Members. Personally I don't think it makes a difference whether you look at aspects of 51, 102, or 154 degrees. Forums. The Sun is conj. I have a very tight Moon-Mars conjunction (well, I have Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, all in 0 degree Gemini, square Mercury at 3 degree Pisces, and North Node, at 4 degree Pisces) and I have read that in a woman's chart, it means the "male side" of her subconscious dominates, so it makes it. The Venus would be read as being in your first house since the conjunction is so close to your Ascendant. Oct 20, 2009. Dramatic attitudes ensue and whip up a fiery confrontation as we look into past iterations of desire and values. (Some might also count an opposition - so planets within 1 to 2 degrees of 23'49" Cancer. They may enter our lives in the form of a teacher, sibling, friend, lover. Planets conjunct the south node have their influence muted somewhat, kind of as if they were retrograde or in detriment. Pallas-trine-Mars:-according to this tradition, the outer planets are not used in these calculations (probably because this method was developed long before the outers were known; however, this does not mean that experiments with the outers in such a chart couldn't be made: according to the method regarding rx, the rx in the natal remains an rx. Astrologers' Community - Powered by vBulletin Please read the rules of the Astrology Weekly forum. 11-03-2011 wilsontc (Senior Member, Moderator) Rating Thread / Thread Starter: Last Post: Replies: Views : Sticky: Generating Free Images or PDF for Vedic or K. Welcome! Introduce Yourself and Your Astrology Background . Astrologyweekly forum, also known as Astrologers' Community, was founded by the Romanian astrologer Radu Moisoiu around the year 2004. There is a 'plethora' of information on AW, espec in the 'stickys' at the top of every forum, our Education forum and Recommendations forum to. with their astrological services, as this forum does not undertake any responsibility for any astrological services, especially those offered against a fee, via this forum in any form: through public forums or chat, private messages or emails. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. In such cases; the outcome may still be affirmative. Virinchi; Mar 3, 2013; Replies 13. Cancer, as a zodiac sign, holds ties to emotions, home, family, and domestic life. Solar arc interpretations can be very simply. Aquarius Stelliums: Jennifer Jason Leigh (February 5, 1962): Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Midheaven, South Node all in Aquarius. George Will Makes Bold Prediction About Who Won't Be 2024 GOP Nominee. 628’s introduction post is the best introduction post I’ve seen on the forum. Says it like it is. Threads in Forum: Vedic Astrology: Forum Tools: Search this Forum: Views: 121,347 Announcement: Please read the Rules of the Astrology Weekly forum. an imbalance. In music the dominant is an important factor. Put Mars in Cancer and you get an effect of a red hot poker in water. 692 Posts. Long-distance / long-term travel - 9th house transits, 9th house ruler, Jupiter transits to natal planets. . Free answers to many kinds of chart reading questions can easily be found. Forums. Venus square Saturn. apparently on that day, transiting north node was conjunct my natal true node in 16. Welcome! Please read the rules of the Astrology Weekly forum. Scorpio is transiting your 2nd, so the 8th house will be strongly affected. . -Bad aspected ruler of the 10th house. Forums. Log in Register. Therefore, I've created a list of websites that will help you on your journey. I have attached the chart w/ Transit, when Uranus sextile Part of Fortune exactly, and trine natal Neptune at the same time. Elsa 30 min Phone $80. Well-known member. astro2016 said: Dear Astrologers, We recently came across this chart for marriage,but bit hesitant to proceed further. You have to see what it aspects to see how it works. General Astrology. The most evidence I found lies here: I have Pluto in my 10th house using Placidus, but the 11th using whole sign. They are a rich and complex means of exploring and suggesting ongoing opportunities for personal/psychological development within, not only an individual, but also within Families, and Countries. (Note: Typically, traditional astrology is defined as using techniques developed prior to 1700 by astrologers from the Hellenistic, Persian, Hebrew, and Renaissance eras. I wrote before on Astrologyweekly forum about the antiscia in natal chart. I Hate My Birth Chart. How to read out in the radix not only the present predispositions, but also what spiritual being you are and already were in earlier history of existence. M 81 galaxy. Hello Everyone, I have created a FREE natal chart calculator tool. I am blessed with the fact that my parents pay for my college education and healthcare, and I can generally afford all I need for my basic security (clothes. Uranus square Sun is death, but that assumes the aspect occurs on the 9/1, 1/4, 7/4 or 8/4 Axis. Banned. Their mars conjunct my south node. What's new Search. Oct 2, 2015. Welcome to our community! Feel free to introduce yourself. Kannon said: I would expect an attraction based on these declination aspects alone. com or call (541) 535-7631. Last post Marraige issues. The 12th house is hospitalisation and Mars is surgery. With his help and the help of this forum I've learned a lot and grown considerably over the last year (special thanks to astrologer50 for all the great links!). Main Rulerships of 8th House = All matters relating to death, decay, fear, anxiety and loss. A solar return is basically a chart of transits for your astrological birthday, as calculated by the sign and degree of your natal sun. 8th house is a house of fear and anxiety. There's yet another layer to that, though. But it also shows the ability to apply yourself with determination and/or concentration to some SOLITARY TASK ‑ perhaps to your work, which helps you to bring order to the internal chaos. #10. But your chart shows some of the problems you've mentioned. right now i’m. Then I examined my current friend's (might be my boyfriend. - First trip started from Southampton 10. If another planet is closer to the MC but close to the Sun it will bring the Sun in conj. I think that if you are getting too many charts with too many intercepted houses, and unclear answers, its mostly because you are using horary a bit too much byjoveExactly 10 degrees. #1. Well said, I agree All solar returns (and natal charts) are about ‘potential’ as is the natal chart, but we don’t always fulfil our potential, whether it’s due to ‘other people or unforeseen circumstances’ or a choice of two things and maybe possibly making different choices meant you didn’t fulfil that potential in this Solar return. Mars is the planet of energetic activity and assertivity, Cancer is the Water element sign of expression of feeling. I have a. on July 11, 2023, 07:39:37 AM. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Prognoses, Solar Arc, Solar Return Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator. and it doesn't matter if you have met the person two Solar Returns ago. After they click submit, it will output all the planetary positions for signs, houses, Black Moon, and North Node. com, your one stop shop for all things astrological. . Also, if this helps, his mars is in my 4th house. 3050 Topics. Alleybux 189,839 Oct 2, 2019 #2 From my understanding North Node is supposed to be your life's purpose. The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. Is he a good person and will he be a good husband. These people are generally impatient and like to get straight too the point. Venus in Leo is now retrograde, and it heads back as Leo Mercury advances. Ron DeSantis (R) will win the GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential election. It already looks as if someone in the group is going to leave. You need to really, really, really get in touch with what YOU really want, and the reason you incarnated on this planet to begin with. Astrologyweekly forum, also known as Astrologers' Community, was founded by the Romanian astrologer Radu Moisoiu around the year 2004. Talk about your experience with solar returns in predictive astrology. WILL HAVE THEIR POSTS REMOVED. Free answers to many kinds of chart reading questions can easily be found. Last post by adol33. May 13, 2023 #1 Hello! I'm a happy active 51 year old female physical therapist , ♓ w/ 🦀 rising and lots of ♉ in my personal planets, which the oddball exception of ♈ in Mercury which. venusinthefifth New member. I wrote more about her here. The major-period of Mercury will start with the close of that of Saturn. We were all new once: don't be shy! Astrologers' Community - Astrology Discussion Forums Visit Forum » Forum URL: Forum has RSS Feed: Yes, here Forum Details Forum is ranked 847 out of 1,731 forums Forum software: vBulletin Domain registration date: 03 October 2004 (updated 03 September 2020) Domain registrar: NAMECHEAP INC I’d post a horary. This can be very basic though, using general interpretations from the internet - for example, "in our synastry, his Moon in Virgo/3rd house opposes mine in Pisces/11th house which may indicate a problem in relating to each other emotionally". . I am 41 and the last 10 years i don't fit anymore in my Sagittarius Asc. But the forum rules require you to attempt an interpretation yourself before we assist/give our opinion. Aug 15, 2013. I've been reading and watching content on Astrology since I. Hi guys i have been reading a bit about harmonic astrology and charts and i still dont get it its very complicated ,is it something like midpoints( an point where energy release it self ):confused::confused: or is it something else 1 First Harmonic describes the natal chart representing. Hello, A couple of days ago (21 july) I posted a horary chart on another forum (astro seek) because I wanted to know if a person (male) was interested in me (female) in a romantic way. Traditionally Saturn "joys" in the 12th house, and the Hellenistic astrologers thought that if Saturn is going to appear somewhere in your chart, the 12th wasn't such a bad place for it. But then I did not know about the existence of astrology. Forums. So remember you may find it harder to identify with planets and Saturn in this case in Cadent houses…. Also the astrology weekly forum website has a missing persons forum for horary, you could post there too! I can’t help much because I’m not well versed in horary but hopefully someone else can! This forum is restricted to Sonar, GPS, Fishfinders and similar items for sale or "wanted to buy". I started studying it because, some time ago, I give it a try, and got a consultation with an astrologer. Horary Astrology. Cheers, Starlink. Thread starter TandemSky; Start date Today at 3:38 AM; T. Saturn in a tyrannic. #1. Tennis is ruled by Mercury as that is a sport played by Arms. Take note only if Venus aspects Saturn natally. cazimi Member. I think only the Quartet (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta) are significant. #8. Your thoughts and ideas are atypical and eccentric and you rebel against impositions or limits to your freedom. Also the astrology weekly forum website has a missing persons forum for horary, you could post there too! I can’t help much because I’m not well versed in horary but hopefully someone else can! For appointments, e-mail [email protected]. JUPITERASC. #2. This can be very basic though, using general interpretations from the internet - for example, "in our synastry, his Moon in Virgo/3rd house opposes mine in Pisces/11th house which may indicate a problem in relating to each other emotionally". in my health horary, 6th ruler is intercepted and saturn in 6th is intercepted. But I don't know how he sees me or if the feeling is mutual. They have a lot of charisma too. The tool allows anyone to enter their birth details. Hello, my name is Jack! For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the sky and the stars. #1. Transitting nodes are not valid and especially the south node. #1. Also, if this helps, his mars is in my 4th house. Check out the links provided below! Depends on what kind of travel you're looking at - traditionally, of course: 1. a planet at 2 degrees 30 minutes north declination is literally overhead latitude 2 degrees 30. AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18. Apr 27, 2023. Maybe help from the accountant. 3K. The 6th house denotes our diet and nutrition, digestion. It could also mean issues surrounding debt. From what I understand this means true alignment with one's life purpose. If it's strong, stay out of the relationship. It must be the neptune influence. more astrologyweekly. For years I’ve always lurked on astrologyweekly. . Mars is also in the 7th house, which as stated before, is the house of Libra. Scorpio's desperately need steady, loyal, consistent loving from their mate. . Your parents' or spouse's death is easier to see in your horoscope/transit. These do not tell if you are going to get back together or if you are indeed together. Ron DeSantis (R) will win the GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential election. . with the MC even if it is more that 6 degrees away from it. What's new. (Only if they are bad aspected) -Uranus in the 1st may may act according of what he wants and doesn't care about other's opinion. When one wants a hug, the other doesn't and it goes on and on. VIRGO Aug 23-Sep 22. Twitter 54 Frequency 13 posts / day View Recent Threads 2. “Both candidacies are brittle,” said the longtime conservative commentator. Search titles only. in The extinction of long t. Thread starter Bjorkstrand; Start date 12 minutes ago; Bjorkstrand Well-known member. Saturn in the 8th sign is the second from the 7th. Long-distance / long-term travel - 9th house transits, 9th house ruler, Jupiter transits to natal planets.